Since my initial visual introduction to Raymond Pettibon drawings on the albums of Black Flag records; I cannot stop
buying everything made endorsed by his art.
I most recently purchased this Jim Carroll novel, The Petting Zoo., strictly based on visual lust not knowing Carroll for his writing but now for his great taste in crude ink drawings. But Pettibon has not let me down...the book is nice telling a story of an artist. One heard many times about a life in question and in search of purpose. I am close to the end...ooooooouu.
And less recently he caught me off guard on grooveshark with the new Crystal Antlers record. The album is amazing; the art is beautiful. I've seen them perform and now own a limited edition record package. Effff.
He has not let me down this far so I figure I might as well accept
that I will not be leaving without purchasing that tote that I don't need. Pettibon rules.